Using SoulCollage® to Explore Your Grief. A Personal one-on-one Session.

A personal 60-minute session just for you!

If this is our first time working together, we will begin with an introductory period to learn about what brings you here.

Grief Tools: We will discuss various grief tools and come up with a plan for working together.

To Prepare: Please bring at least (1) SoulCollage® card to our session as you will be asking your card a question as I scribe and witness your words.

Safe Space: I will provide a safe space for you to work with your SoulCollage® cards and work with your Grief.

Session Fee: $75.00

Zoom Link: You will be provided with a Zoom Link. The option of recording your zoom session is available.

Questions: Please use the link below to ask any questions.

Did you Know? One of the top 6 needs of those experiencing Grief is “to have our grief witnessed”