Exploring Grief with Patti

“Meeting You Where You Are On YOUR JOURNEY”


Sound Bowl Practitioner

Certified Grief Educator®

SoulCollage® Classes

Sound Bowl Sessions

One-on-One Grief Exploration Sessions

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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“Many thanks to Patti!
I find that the classes shifted my expression of grief.
The layers were nurtured and cared for by Patti’s attention to the process, her detail and by Patti living the grief journey. Thank you to Patti for offering this series”
Liz Gow, New Zealand
Class Participant March 2023
“Divinely Led Living”

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About Patti

Trained and Certified Grief Faciitator/ Educator®, Trained SoulCollage® Facilitator, Certified Sound Bowl Practitioner, Trained Reiki I + II Practitioner, and Trained Energy Facilitator.

I look forward to working with you ~ Patti